The Daily Quagmire!!!
Let us think about lust for a moment.
Definition of lust, 1. Intense or unrestrained sexual craving, 2. An overwhelming desire or craving, 3. Intense eagerness or enthusiasm, 4. Pleasure; relish.
I just wanted to give you all the definitions before I introduced you to the quagmire. Lust is crazy...! And I will debate any scholar on the fact that it is more powerful than love. See, love is such a weak emotion and often enough I say it is a disposition than anything else. Love doesn't make babies, lust does. Lust populates the planet and keeps a man's last name circulating though the concept of time. Lust compels you to want to know a person, not love since love is supposed to be acquired in time. Love at first sight, a myth, that is lust at play... you see that fat ass and that wondrous face, maybe that dame has a dimple in her face, or freckles, or she has dreads or wears glasses and you like that. She smiles... that mystery in her eyes as she looks into yours, and she says stuff, compelling things, flirting and inviting... that is fucking lust!
Don't get me wrong, love is a very good thing but lust is more intense. Lust makes you want to know a person and maybe later on love will situate itself within the equation. But lust is the catalyst to love, lust is that initial yearning, lust pushes you to make the first move. Lust has you dreaming, those wet naughty, nasty dreams... days later after a few encounters. Lust makes you move in for the kill, kissing the lips of that woman, touching her curves, he shape, feeling ehr warmth, groping, hoping she doesn't push you away, praying she opens that mouth just a tad bit wider and allows your saliva to intermingle with hers.
I don't wanna really get to deep but nevertheless lust is such a quagmire. Lust can have you involved with a married woman or a woman already situated, cohabitating with a man an such. Lust is so strong though... think about it. Look at all the married couples getting divorces, yet a man seldom seperated with his mistress... think about that.
Think about the last time you had a wet dream about your husband or wife, and then think about that person who has sparked your interest... how hot was that dream about him or her...?
Lust isnt bad because it often enough turns into love. Lust is just the beginning, the early stages and it's a very primitive emotion, or state of being, I'm not sure what lust is... but I've felt it and feel it now (why else would I propose to discuss this, this thing called lust).
We must continues to utilize our thinking to debate this issue, philosophically...
...I want everyones opinion on lust. Then I will add on to what you cogitate because I want to know what you think or feel about lust.
I'm really involved in a quagmire... share your thoughts, let's talk about this...