Karrine Steffon... Aint she lovely.

So I walked up to her and softened her up with gifts, a copy of both my books which are hip hop fiction and she said that she hates hip hop... but it's the thought that counts right? Oh and I gave her a copy if i.b Concept magazine and urged her to give me an interview in the near future for my Literary Hood column... she just smiled and I just thought about how she worked her mind in that porno...
...Then I told her that we met some time ago at a party in Queens and tossed a name at her. Oh, yeah she played quite coy and dumb for a moment but after I mentioned the dead body they found in the crib she remembered who I was talking about. I aint even gonna get into it. It's old hood shit. And I aint no snitch. Karrine handled herself well but then now n days most hoochies do.
Read her book and judge for yourself. And if you can get a copy of her interview on hot 97 and the one she did on the star and bucwild show do so. She actually admitted to a few lies, I want you guys to listen to those and then read the book and see the difference between her words and her voice. But I aint mad at her. Because she was the star of the Circle of Sisters jump off, ironically enough.
Smile, you're on Literary Hood...

Some of my thoughts intrigue you...? Well, ahh, thanks Monica p. Carter. It tickles me that I can intrigue any woman, if I keep this up I might actually get a date or something else... a bit more intriguing...
Thanks you for commenting Monica, You aint a punk like some of these other viewers... over 400 yesterday by the way and I got over 100 emails but why email me when you can leave your lovely comments on this...
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